Tag Archives: prom

15 Romantic Prom Photos

16 May

7 Romantic Prom Stories

23 Apr

It’s that time of year. Look forward to your special night or reminisce on the elegance and romance of you memories of prom.

I was a sophomore and had a crush on this junior who was friends with my best friend. I had never really talked to him before, but one day when I opened my locker I saw a pink rose tapped to the inside of my locker with a note that said “Will you go to prom with me? Love Daren.” My friend had put it in my locker. I thought it was just a joke so I didn’t bother getting a dress or anything. So two days before prom I get a call from Daren. It wasn’t a joke and he really did want me to go with him, but I didn’t even have a dress! So I called talked to my mom and she said that I could stay home from school the next day with my older sister to find everything I needed. The night of the prom I was getting ready with Erika. My makeup and hair were all done and my dress was on and I went to put on my second shoe but I couldn’t find it! a half hour of me searching everywhere for my shoe when the doorbell rings! Daren was there and no one was answering the door. So I had to go downstairs and open the door with only one shoe on. When I opened it my whole family and all of my friends where there with cameras and in front of a white limo was Daren with my other shoe. He said ” My beautiful Cinderella, you can’t go to prom without your other glass slipper” it was the corniest but most romantic night of my life and we’ve been together for a year.

I ended up going to prom with the most handsome guy in school, you know, the one you NEVER think will pick you? It ends up he really liked me! I got to wear a gorgeous red dress. And he showed up with a red rose for me! He kissed me and we got pictures by a flowering apple tree. The dance was so romantic! We were dancing in the spotlight together and there were bubbles everywhere. The DJ said we looked so good he got a picture. During Just the Way You Are he would pick me up and spin me and sing to me so I knew he was talking about me. Then he bent over like in the movies after they dance tango and kissed me! It was the funnest night ever!

Last year at prom, my boyfriend asked me to go with him. He asked if he could make all of the arrangements. I agreed to this, and could not wait to see what was in store for me. All of my girlfriends got ready at my house. This way we could all get pictures together when our dates arrived. I was upstairs when everybody started making a big commotion. I went down to see what was going on, and I saw that my boyfriend arrived. He had roses for both my mother and for me. We went outside to start the picture taking, and there was a horse and carriage waiting out there. We all got our pictures done in front of the carriage. Once we were done with pictures, we rode away in the carriage. The next thing in store was a carriage ride in the park, and a packed picnic. After the picnic, we got back in the carriage, and rode to the prom. This was the most memorable experience in my life.

at first, everything seems ordinary..we just talked then laughed.. but when the romantic song played, one of my crush-mate stand, he walks to our table then pick me up.. i didn’t expect it! we we’re the first ine to dance in the middle of the dance floor.. we’re very close to each other that we danced cheek to cheek while hugging.. it takes a couple of minutes to make others dance with us.. we are the sweetest pair! everybody said.. i saw some of my teachers talking about us.. one of our teacher said that we must kiss.. omg!! we just looked to each other then smile! i just hug him.. i am the only one he dance with.. how sweet..:)

My Freshman year a Junior took me to prom. He was the cutest guy at our school! We decided we were just going as friends. The night of Prom I was waiting for him to arrive and here came a long limo with all of our friends in it, we had a blast! When we got there we were a little early but my date and I stayed in the limo because he had something to show me. I was a little confused, but he put this blindfold on me so I couldn’t see where we were. We walked inside this beautiful garden full of flowers and rose petals! He looked at me and got on one knee and had a corsage in his hand and he asked “Will you be my girlfriend?” I was SO HAPPY! I said yes of course! He put the corsage on my wrist and he carried me back to the limo because it started to rain and we didn’t want to get my awesome dress dirty. And during the prom we had amazing time. And we are STILL together.

It was my freshman year, and my mom was transferred at work to a new city. It was only about 30 minutes away from my old house, but it was a big change. I had to move in the middle of the school year, and I didn’t know anyone. When I got there the teacher asked for someone to give me a tour of the school, and walk me to my classes. Lucky for me, the quarterback of the football team offered to be my guide. We really got to know each other, and he helped me get to know some friends. He told me that the prom was coming up soon, and he asked me to go with him. Of course I said yes, and we made all of the arrangements. The night of prom he never showed up. About 30 minutes later, I was in tears, so I called my best friend from my old school. He made me feel a little better, and about an hour later was on my doorstep in a suit, with a dozen roses. He brought me to the prom, and I don’t think I could have had a better time. We have been together since.

Well, my prom was pretty cool, I went with this guy I knew, Jared, that I’d been crushing on seriously for like the whole year. I was so petrified to make a fool out of myself, I almost asked somebody I didn’t like to go with me! All I had to do was ask him, if I had known that it would have saved me a lot of worry. I spent a lot of time trying to decide whether to ask him or not, and finally some buddies of mine convinced me to just suck it up and ask. The dance was so romantic, we danced to almost every song. He kissed me! Anyway, after the prom we all went to the grocery store at around 3 in the morning, to get supplies for a camping trip we were going on for the weekend. It was almost as fun as the prom itself, we danced in the aisles, in our formal wear. The few employees around pumped up the music for us. A piece of advice to everybody: if you want to go with somebody, just ask, it can’t hurt. Really. I wasted my whole senior year without making any kind of move, when we could have been together. Oh, and make sure you do something after the prom, camping was almost as great as the prom was.

15 Romantic Prom Ideas and Tips

19 Apr

Prom is a very romantic night for everyone. The music, lights, dancing, dresses. Make sure it’s the best night.

1. Give her a single, long-stemmed rose. (For more tips on roses: https://romanticideasinlife.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/how-roses-talk-meanings-of-roses/)

2. Sweep her off her feet and surprise her! Carry her from her house to the limo or from the limo to the prom. 

3. Show up with a box of chocolates and/or a cute stuffed animal for her.

4. While dancing, lean down really far with her in your arms and kiss her deeply. (Like in the picture of the sailor and the nurse after WWII.) 

5. Before prom set up Christmas lights in a romantic spot (forest, field, barn, gazebo, beach, ect) or candles (beach, living room, ect) and tell your date that you just can’t let her go yet and have to have one more dance with only her.

6. Impress her with some romantic Italian! (https://romanticideasinlife.wordpress.com/2011/03/07/romantic-italian-phrases/)

7. Instead of a rose, find out what your date’s favorite flower is and give her one. 

8. Strew rose petals across the floor or sidewalk. (Or cherry/pear/peach/plum blossoms.)  

9. While dancing, pick her up and spin her around in your arms.

10. Serenade her! If you know how to play an instrument, play a song for her (bonus points if you write a song just for her), sing to her, or if you can’t do any of these, play a song that means a lot to you two or makes you think of her. Then tell her why she’s so special to you.

11. While you’re in your finest, go to a beautiful, scenic spot and get pictures together. Then surprise your date by picking your favorite and giving it to them in a beautiful frame so they can always remember the special night. 

12. Request for the DJ to play your song.

13. If your girl is wearing red, request for “Lady in Red.”

14. Give her a beautiful necklace/earings/ring/bracelet for her to wear.

15. Memorize a romantic poem and read it to her. (Bonus points if you wrote it yourself and specifically for her.)

Romantic Prom

18 Apr

Prom is a beautiful, perfect time to add romance to your life.

Romantic Gazebo

6 Apr

Gazebos are one of the most romantic places to spend time with your lover. The beauty of the structure, the scenery surrounding, and roses or lights make it perfect for romance.

Day 10 of 14 Days of Valentines

10 Feb

Date of the Day: Go to a cafe with large windows. Share a pastry together and watch the sun set and the stars come out.

Gift of the Day: A pizza with “I love you” written on it with the toppings.

Quote of the Day:

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

Dr. Seuss

Photo of the Day:

Tip of the Day: When your lover dresses to go out, be sure to pay attention and direct your gaze to admire him or her with your eyes.  Tell them how fabulous they look and seal it with a kiss.

Video of the Day:

Love letter of the Day:

To my one and only love,

I’ve been waiting for you for so long, and now that you are here with me, I will never ever let you go. We both know that life is not always fair. We know that there will come a time when we have to face trials in our relationship, but we will overcome because our love will see us through. They say promises are made to broken, but I say promises is meant to be for as long as we believe in the power of love… I know in my heart you believe it too. I am so thankful and so very happy that I have found my destiny in you.

You are my happiness, a very special blessing God has given to me. I’m so excited spending my whole life with someone that I truly love and care about, spending each special day with all the love in our heart of hearts. I love you so much and will always love until forever. That’s a promise that I’ll surely going to keep forever in my heart.


Poem of the Day:

Again And Again, However We Know The Landscape Of Love
Again and again, however we know the landscape of love
and the little churchyard there, with its sorrowing names,
and the frighteningly silent abyss into which the others
fall: again and again the two of us walk out together
under the ancient trees, lie down again and again
among the flowers, face to face with the sky.

by Rainer Maria Rilke

Valentine’s Day Story:

Last year on Valentine’s Day, my husband took me to lunch at a local area restaurant. As I was looked over the menu, a woman came over and asked if I was Robin, I said “yes” and she gave me a chocolate heart with my husband’s name on it. A few minutes later, three women came over and started to serenade me. My husband (Dick) had hired this group, to sing to me for Valentine’s Day. Our local  newspaper heard about this and came with a reporter and photographer and took our pictures. The whole restaurant was watching, the wives were crying and the husbands were wondering why they didn’t do something like that.  We have been married for 28 years and he can still surprise me.

Robin Austin, North Port, Fla.

Happy Valentine’s Day!